Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 30 '07 eng>esl St Luke´s Roosevelt University Hospital, Nueva York no lo traduciría, pero si insistes... Hospital Universitario St. Luke's Roosevelt de Nueva York easy closed no
4 Aug 25 '06 eng>eng *for today enter * if the date is today... easy closed no
4 Jul 20 '06 eng>eng protocol (here) regimen dictated by the study easy closed no
4 Jan 26 '05 fra>eng Le service est dirigé par le docteur... The department/service is managed by Dr.... easy closed no
4 Jan 21 '05 ita>eng terapia idratante ev IV hydration therapy easy closed ok
4 Jan 21 '05 esl>eng ambulancia y Vam ambulance and paramedic vehicle easy closed no
4 Jan 9 '05 por>eng convenios plans; agreements easy closed ok
4 Jan 9 '05 por>eng implantodontia implant dentistry easy closed ok
4 Sep 28 '04 ita>eng somministrare un vaccino administer a vaccination easy closed ok
4 Sep 28 '04 ita>eng fare una vaccinazione get a vaccination; administer a vacation easy closed ok
- Sep 28 '04 ita>eng farmaci antimalarici antimalarial drugs easy closed ok
- Aug 20 '04 fra>eng Nous the royal we, which doesn't fly so well here... easy closed no
4 Jul 29 '04 cat>eng ATENCIÓ PRIMÀRIA CONTINUADA round-the-clock [or 24-hour] primary care easy closed ok
4 Jul 27 '04 por>eng ao passo que the more you study, the more you learn easy closed no
- Jul 19 '04 por>eng Declaro que Bianca faz uso regular do medicamento e este não pode ser suspenso. I state for the record/I attest that Bianca uses this medication regularly and that such use cannot. easy closed no
- Jun 2 '04 esl>eng virus hanta hanta virus easy closed ok
- May 30 '04 eng>esl Value valores easy closed ok
4 Mar 17 '04 eng>eng weight-bearing exercise exercise in which you bear your body weight, working against gravity easy closed ok
- Mar 5 '04 esl>eng Corea de Huntington Huntington's Corea easy closed ok
- Oct 3 '02 por>eng hipoglicemiante hypoglycemiant easy closed ok
- Jan 30 '02 eng>esl laptop computer portátil easy closed no
- Jan 18 '02 eng>esl commissioner los que encargan.... easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered