Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 31 '23 eng>eng for bucks up for cash on the barrelhead easy closed no
- Dec 10 '19 eng>por it bespeaks que revela easy closed ok
- Apr 25 '14 eng>por Fitting water tanks instalando tanques de água easy open no
- Apr 4 '14 eng>por "We've made our bed" Nós arrumamos a cama para deitar easy closed no
- Jan 3 '14 eng>por The spoils lie Os espólios encontram-se ..os trofeus encontram-se easy closed ok
- Oct 8 '13 eng>por knowledge sponge um buraco negro do conhecimento easy closed no
4 Oct 29 '12 por>eng Minha pé minha Pequena.. minha PEQUENINHA => my little one easy closed ok
- Sep 7 '11 eng>por Put your money where your mouth is "Pare de falar e começe a agir" easy closed ok
- Jan 15 '11 eng>eng Drink like a fish he has a hollow leg easy closed no
- Sep 15 '10 eng>por chop, drop and roll cortar, rebaixar e estofar easy just_closed no
- Apr 26 '09 eng>por tidy wrap up uma conclusão bem ordenado, bem organizado, bem arrumado easy closed ok
- Apr 17 '09 eng>por mind-snapping de fundir a cuca easy closed ok
- Mar 2 '09 por>eng saia-justa tough situation easy closed ok
NP Nov 14 '08 por>eng pimenta nos olhos pepper in the eyes easy closed no
- Jan 5 '08 por>eng Os cães ladram e a caravana passa the dogs bark and the caravan goes by easy closed ok
- Sep 23 '07 eng>eng Eyes on the prize concentrate on winning.. easy closed ok
4 Sep 23 '07 eng>eng everything to play for Everything is up for grabs..everything is available.. all options are open easy closed ok
- May 28 '07 eng>por amber pessoas moderadas easy closed ok
4 Mar 13 '07 eng>por AIM HIGH IN STEERING mirar longe ao dirigir easy closed ok
- Mar 14 '07 eng>por wither on the vine murchou..murcharem easy open no
4 Mar 5 '07 eng>eng spin and subtle the spin and subtle interpretation => enrolação e interpretação sutil easy closed ok
- Mar 1 '07 eng>eng get your butt in a bind get into hot water easy closed ok
- Mar 6 '06 por>eng Sem entrar no mérito without examining its merits easy closed no
- Aug 28 '05 eng>eng in letter and spirit what was written and what was meant to be written easy closed no
- Apr 25 '05 eng>esl traded insults trocarem insultos easy closed ok
- Dec 24 '04 eng>eng kept everyone on their toes kept everyone alert easy closed no
- Nov 20 '04 eng>por be a tip ser uma dica easy open no
- Nov 12 '04 eng>eng jacking off a bobcat in a phone booth looked all rumpled and dishevelled easy closed ok
- Nov 12 '04 eng>eng had gone crazy from sucking too many cocks the judge would seem to be prejudiced against homosexuals easy closed no
4 Nov 12 '04 eng>eng were too stupid to cook what they are given but nobody is starving a 'food bank' gives away free food to poor people easy closed ok
- Nov 12 '04 eng>eng I suppose it was too much to ask that ... a 'slut' is a slang word for a woman who is very loose sexually easy closed no
- Aug 27 '04 por>eng SEM GRAÇA uninteresting easy closed no
- Aug 25 '04 por>eng encalhado(a) old maid..spinster easy closed no
- Jul 31 '04 eng>por I'm horny estou necessitado easy closed ok
- Jul 7 '04 por>eng Furao ferret easy closed ok
- Jun 14 '04 eng>por whoopeedoo! caramba easy closed ok
- May 24 '04 por>eng jogar conversa fora chew the fat easy closed ok
4 Feb 21 '04 eng>eng to take the edge off to soften the stark appearance easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered